Tips For SEO Friendly Blogging
1. Content is king
With panda being the major algorithm that affects content and
bloggers directly, you’ve got to be able to produce posts that have
quality information and media for your visitors. The volume of content
you need to produce is directly related to the type of competition you
have working against you in the SERPs. For the most part any
competitive niche is going to need 600+ word posts for best weight and
keyword associations. Larger volume posts can also add in a lot of
long-tail keywords that will produce extra organic traffic from low
volume first page rankings. Competition is a lot lower for the
long-tail keywords.
SEO is still very useful for bloggers, but if you do not have quality
content, you will not see high rankings on high competition keywords.
Many low volume/low competition search results can still be obtained by
small niche and micro websites, but authority and content powerful
websites are starting to dominate all high to mid competition search
engine results. You’ve got to be keeping up with the “freshness
algorithm” and producing large volumes of strong content that is loved
by the “panda update”.
2. Keywords in Title
Don’t build long, spammy titles, just try to remember what your
audience is looking for and how to include your key search terms into
that heading. Most titles should not be over 100 characters, and that
is on the long side. This is one of the most simple ways to see quicker
rankings from on-page SEO, no need to write very vague and mysterious
titles unless you already have the clout and rankings to go with it.
Otherwise, make sure you include the keywords that your keyword research
has provided you. All of the old keyword stuffing and junk on-page
techniques are useless, focus on producing top notch content and making
sure search engine spiders can read/associate the right keywords and
phrases along with it.
3. Add Images and Video
- Create your own original images and media!
- Make sure to re-size and fit properly, keep file sizes manageable for broadband users
- Place keywords in file names, good for getting picked up by Google images and search spiders
- Place keywords in titles
- Add all applicable meta tags – don’t spam, keep them diverse and no duplicates
Google demands that top level blogs are including serious media for
their users. You don’t have to be uploading HD video, but nice stock
photography or other quality imagery can really make the difference.
Not only is media important for Googlebot to see, you can also gain
quality back links from distributing and uploading your original work
around the web. Sites like Flickr, Youtube, and Slideshare are great
for sharing media, adding keywords, and getting solid inbound links.
Make sure to also be using your image creation talent or go buy some
stock photos for social media uploads as well. This can really help you
get more views and better results when social bookmarking or writing
content like press releases, articles, and more if you can include your related imagery.
4. Integrate social media sharing!
There has been a major shift over the past two years in Google’s
algorithm toward giving significant more weight to social media
“signals” over other styles of generic back links. These social media
backlinks are created when original pieces of work are shared,
discussed, and often spread virally through communities online.
- One of strongest back links currently = social media shares
- If your post goes “viral”, you can get major traffic boosts
- Let people make back links for you, white hat links and they can build them faster than you
Matt Cutts and Inside Search blog have both stated that social media
signals are the new back link of the future. You want your blog’s
readers to be reading, sharing, and discussing your posts. Ultimately
you need some sort of sharing tool or platform that users can click into
immediately once they land on your blog.
Goals = to get blog readers to share your posts through likes, +1′s, Diggs, Stumbles, Tweets and more
Top Sharing Tools for Blogs:
5. Get the right plugins
Some of our favorite ideas for plugins and widgets are:
- SEO plugin – homepage and posts meta data tags, time saver
- Inner linking between posts/pages on keywords – i.e. SEO smartlinks
- 301 redirects
- WP cache tools
- Custom permalinks
- Social media “sharing” widgets and plugins
- XML sitemaps
- PCRobots.txt
- Automatic ping tools